Graduate Students and Postdocs

Zach Brotherton
4th Year, Chemical Engineering
Zach graduated from North Carolina State University in 2019 with a BS in Chemical Engineering. While he was there, he researched stimuli-responsive polymers and their incorporation into non-woven polymer matrices. Zach has also interned at an electroplating company, working in technical services and research & development. Zach also is a huge football fan and enjoys disc golf. Zach joined the Lynd group in Fall 2019.

Jared Keever
4th Year, Chemistry
From Dunn, North Carolina, Jared obtained his undergraduate degree at East
Carolina University as part of their Honors College and EC Scholars programs. As an
undergraduate majoring in chemistry, he did research investigating the role of
visual cues in the social status formation of zebrafish under the direction of Dr. Fadi

Louise Kuehster
4th Year, Chemical Engineering
Louise graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2019 with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. As an undergraduate, she worked on modeling the effect of extensional stress on protein structure. She also studied water purification filters at Penn State. Louise joined the Lynd group in Fall 2019.

August, Longo
2nd Year, Chemistry
From New York, August graduated from Cornell University in 2018 with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering.

Mostafa Nassr
4th Year, Chemical Engineering
International student from Cairo, Egypt. I completed my undergraduate Chemical Engineering degree at Georgia Tech. I worked on the synthesis of carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membranes for gas separation applications with Dr. Koros.

Hajila E. Njenga
1st Year, Chemistry
hajilanjenga at
From Kenya, Hajila graduated from Salem State University in 2008 with a B.S. in chemistry, with a biochemistry concentration. After graduation she worked for a Ceramic membrane technology business unit of Veolia Water Solutions N.A in Boston as a Research Chemist. Thereafter, moved back to Nairobi, Kenya and opened an art and hand-made jewelry shop employing several members of the community and held painting classes. She is now pursuing a PhD to create and develop systems that will help empower her community back in Nairobi. She enjoys painting, jewelry-making and cooking during her free time.

Benjamin Pedretti
4th Year, Chemical Engineering
Ben graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2017 with his B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. While at UIUC, Ben worked under Prof. Steven C. Zimmerman on functionalized organic nanoparticles and small molecule therapeutic agents for Myotonic Dystrophy type I.

Aubrey Quigley
2nd Year, Chemical Engineering
Aubrey graduated from Purdue University in 2021 with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics. She did research over olefin oligomerization on single site heterogeneous catalysts under Dr. Jeff Miller. Aubrey also completed 2 summer internships with Ford. When not in lab, Aubrey enjoys running, being outdoors, and cooking.

Freddy Rivers
4th Year, Chemical Engineering
Freddy graduated from Arizona State University with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 2018. While there, he worked with Dr. Mary Laura Lind assisting with research regarding desalination membrane processes. He joined the Freeman/Lynd research groups in the fall of 2018 to begin work with the newly founded EFRC Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems (MWET).

Isaac Tan
2nd Year, Chemistry
From Malaysia, Isaac graduated from Mississippi College in 2020 with a B.S. in chemistry, as well as a physics minor. During that time he worked on the synthesis of conjugated 2-D dendrimers under the direction of Dr. Trent Selby. He enjoys cooking and playing a variety of instruments in his free time.

Isabelle Williams
1st Year, Chemical Engineering
Izzy graduated from Rice University in 2022 with a BS in Chemical and Biomolecular engineering. Her undergraduate research focused on tissue engineering, more specifically, modeling the osteosarcoma tumor micro-environment, as well as working to build and analyze a device to detect metastatic breast cancer cells at UCSD.
Undergraduate Students

Jasmine Liu
B. S. Chemistry 2024
Jasmine graduated from the University of Texas with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2011. After a ten year career in semiconductor testing she returned back to school to pursue a new career in chemistry. In her off time she enjoys playing D&D, yoga, and gardening.

Jingyi Dai
B. S. Chemical Engineering 2024
Jingyi is a second-year chemical engineering undergrad from Frisco, TX. In her free time, she enjoys cooking Chinese food and collecting memes.